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Own photovoltaic system.

Franzen and the environment

Energy generation through own photovoltaic system

  • Franzen Photovoltaikanlage
    Franzen photovoltaic system on the roof of our company building.
  • Franzen Photovoltaikanlage
    Franzen photovoltaic system on the roof of our company building.

Sustainable energy for offices, production and car pool

The photovoltaic system on the roof of our company building covers a significant part of our energy requirements. It supplies electricity for our offices, production and our electric vehicle fleet, which we are continuously expanding.

By using renewable energy, we are not only reducing CO2 emissions but also lowering our energy costs in the long term.

Resource-saving technology

The system utilises the latest technology to convert solar energy into electricity as efficiently as possible. Thanks to high-quality solar modules and an intelligent energy management system, the energy generated can be optimally utilised. On sunny days, the system even produces more electricity than we consume and feeds the surplus into the power grid.

Benefits for the environment and employees

Of course, our employees also benefit from the photovoltaic system. They can supply their electric vehicles directly with solar power via e-charging stations on the company premises.