Franzen - special constructions

Specific requirements

For doors, gates or ceiling flaps that are not covered by the Franzen standard programme in terms of size, design or performance requirements, we will be happy to check on request whether they can be manufactured as a customised special construction.

Depending on the intended use and classification of the required doors & gates, different proofs of function, authorisation and safety may be required.

In principle, the form of confirmation of a deviation depends on the scope of the necessary extensions. The main options are explained below.

  • For doors with German DIBt approval:

    • Major deviations:
      Zustimmung im Einzelfall (ZiE),
    • minor deviations:
      Bestätigung einer nicht wesentlichen Abweichung (NWA).
  • For doors with CE marking:

    • Major deviations:
      Special technical documentation (STD),
    • minor deviations:
      Confirmation of performance characteristics.

Request to Franzen

The form of confirmation of a deviation must be examined individually.

We will be happy to support you in the realisation of your project. Please send your enquiry to our Franzen sales department.