Increased safety with reduced maintenance
Safety doors, for example fire doors, are heavy due to their product characteristics. Therefore for the elderly, children and people with disabilities it may be difficult to open this doors. For that reason in case of an emergency, an easy-to-open security door is a decisive advantage that can save lives.
Further information
Franzen easy running doors are maintenance-free, permanently resistant and can reduce the required opening forces by 50 to 60%.
Franzen offers a new easy-running plain bearing specifically for this purpose. This reduces the opening forces for heavy doors by 50% to 60%, thus converting our safety doors into Franzen easy-running doors System Schröders.
Equipping escape routes with these Franzen easy-running doors can provide that additional life-saving safety advantage.
Opening forces well below the required specification
The easy-running plain bearing has also been developed in order to satisfy the "Technical Supply Conditions and Technical Test Regulations for Doors & gates in Road Tunnels". Here, fireproof emergency exit doors may have opening forces of up to 60 Newtons.
A door leaf equipped with the new easy-running plain bearing and with the dimensions of 1,200 x 2,250 mm and a weight of 161.5 kg requires an opening force of just 35 Newtons if the door closer is correctly adjusted.
Franzen easy-running doors are therefore well below the limits specified by the test regulations, which increases the safety of escape routes enormously.
Not only the easier opening of the doors provides extra safety. Unlike with other bearings, such as the conventionally used ball bearings, the prescribed annual maintenance is not required. The regular check and greasing of the bearing is not necessary. This means that costs can even be saved with increased safety. Permanently resistant
The new easy-running plain bearing also stands out due to its high level of resistance. In long-term function tests the plain bearing did not display any significant wear even after 700,000 test cycles. The low opening forces were retained.
The new easy-running bearing is suitable for all System Schröders fire doors, smoke control doors, burglary protection doors, acoustic performance doors and external doors. Even existing Franzen doors „System Schröders“ can be simply converted to easy-running doors.
Depending on requirements, the easy-running door hinges are available in 2- or 3-part version. The door hinges are also available in stainless steel.