Franzen Firmensitz
Ecological responsibility.

Franzen and the environment

Taking responsibility for our environment

  • Franzen EPD

    Franzen EPD

    Certified environmental compatibility for sustainable construction.

  • Franzen Leichtlauftüren

    Maintenance-free easy-running hinges

    Environmentally friendly easy-running hinges thanks to long-term maintenance-free use.

  • Franzen Photovoltaik

    Franzen Photovoltaic

    Utilising renewable energy with our own photovoltaic system on the roof of our company building.

  • Franzen Fernwärme

    Franzen district heating

    We use district heating to cover our energy requirements for heating our buildings in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving approach.

Ecological responsibility

Franzen faces up to its ecological responsibility for the future.

The environmentally friendly and resource-saving production of doors & gates is therefore a special concern. The most environmentally friendly production of the doors is a fundamental task for sustainable production.

Painting plant

The ultra-modern painting plant used by Franzen reduces ink emission to a minimum while at the same time significantly reducing paint consumption. In this way, Franzen continues to contribute actively to the conservation of resources and the environment.

Saving energy and using renewable energies

Franzen also takes extensive measures to save valuable energy when it comes to energy consumption. That's why the entire Franzen production halls and office buildings have been extensively refurbished in terms of energy efficiency in accordance with the low-energy standard. Here, too, Franzen is at the cutting edge of technology.

The heating system for the office buildings was also equipped with state-of-the-art condensing technology and hot water preparation via heat pump. A photovoltaic system with a total of 42.12 kWp generates electricity for production and office from solar energy.

Saving resources through less maintenance effort

The new metal-polymer plain bearings make it possible to reduce the maintenance effort for Franzen doors in the long term. Since these bearings no longer need to be greased, the environment can be further protected sustainably throughout the entire life cycle of the doors.